Hermit Crab Care Guide

Hermit Crab Facts:

Lifespan: They can live for 10-15 years

Size: 1-8cm Max

Minimum size habitat: 30x30x30cm

Diet: Vegetables, fruits and hermit crab food.


Habitat Checklist

  • Enclosure with a lid
  • Food Bowl
  • Water dish x2
  • Heat lamp or heat mat
  • Hide - Artifical, rocks or driftwood
  • Substrate
  • Thermometer & Hygrometer
  • Freshwater & Saltwater
  • Food
  • Automatic mister or spray bottle
  • Shells is a variety of sizes

Heating, Lighting & Humidity

Hermit Crabs are cold blooded and therefore need heat provided to them from their surroundings. This can be achieved with a heat lamp or heat mat depending on the size of your enclosure. There must be a thermal gradient within the enclosure so the hermit crabs can move to warm or cool areas as they require. One end should be heated to around 24-28 degrees Celsius and the other end left at room temperature.

A led light is also optional to help view the crabs.

Hermit crabs require high humidity to keep their gills moist and allow them to breathe properly. Humidity must be maintained at 75-90% by using an automatic mister, or frequently spraying the enclosure with water.

Proper Nutrition

Hermit crabs are scavenging omnivores that feed upon a wide variety of foods such as fruit, vegetables, and insects. In captivity, food should be always available to hermit crabs and placed in shallow dishes to prevent fouling of the tank.

A dry commercial hermit crab pellet can be used as the primary source of food. Fresh fruits and vegetables such as apple, carrot, kale, and banana should be offered 2-3 times per week. Hermit crabs will also readily accept dead insects such as dried mealworms, and crickets which can be coated with a calcium and vitamin supplement.

Health Information:

Common health issues can include:

Dehydration/Moulting Issues: Low humidity may result in the hermit crab having difficulty moulting.

Lethargy: If temperatures drop too low in winter and the hermit crabs are not heated, they will become lethargic and may even die.

Habitat Accessories

Hermit crabs require constant access to saltwater, fresh drinking water and food, separate bowls must be provided for each. Along with a heat source. They do like to climb so include rock and logs or branches for them to explore.

An absorbent substrate such as coco peat is important. It is ideal to mix the coco peat with fine sand to give it structure and durability. The substrate should be kept moist to assist in maintaining adequate levels of humidity. Hermit crabs love to burrow, so the bedding should be 2-5cm deep. Hermit crabs are great climbers so their enclosure must be secured with a lid.

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